Copyright 2023 Man Group Operations Limited
Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License 1.1 included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed by the Apache License, version 2.0.
from typing import List, Optional
from arcticdb.options import LibraryOptions
from arcticdb_ext.storage import LibraryManager, StorageOverride
from arcticdb.version_store.library import Library
from arcticdb.version_store._store import NativeVersionStore
from arcticdb.adapters.s3_library_adapter import S3LibraryAdapter
from arcticdb.adapters.lmdb_library_adapter import LMDBLibraryAdapter
[docs]class Arctic:
Top-level library management class. Arctic instances can be configured against an S3 environment and enable the
creation, deletion and retrieval of Arctic libraries.
_LIBRARY_ADAPTERS = [S3LibraryAdapter, LMDBLibraryAdapter]
[docs] def __init__(self, uri: str):
Initializes a top-level Arctic library management instance.
For more information on how to use Arctic Library instances please see the documentation on Library.
uri: str
URI specifying the backing store used to access, configure, and create Arctic libraries.
The S3 URI connection scheme has the form ``s3(s)://<s3 end point>:<s3 bucket>[?options]``.
Use s3s as the protocol if communicating with a secure endpoint.
Options is a query string that specifies connection specific options as ``<name>=<value>`` pairs joined with
Available options for S3:
| Option | Description |
| port | port to use for S3 connection |
| region | S3 region |
| use_virtual_addressing | Whether to use virtual addressing to access the S3 bucket |
| access | S3 access key |
| secret | S3 secret access key |
| path_prefix | Path within S3 bucket to use for data storage |
| aws_auth | If true, authentication to endpoint will be computed via AWS environment vars/config files. If no options are provided `aws_auth` will be assumed to be true. |
| force_uri_lib_config | Override the credentials and endpoint of an S3 storage with the URI of the Arctic object. Use if accessing a replicated (to different region/bucket) library. |
Note: When connecting to AWS, `region` can be automatically deduced from the endpoint if the given endpoint
specifies the region and `region` is not set.
The LMDB URI connection scheme has the form ``lmdb:///<path to store LMDB files>``. There are no options
available for the LMDB URI connection scheme.
>>> ac = Arctic('s3://MY_ENDPOINT:MY_BUCKET') # Leave AWS to derive credential information
>>> ac = Arctic('s3://MY_ENDPOINT:MY_BUCKET?region=YOUR_REGION&access=ABCD&secret=DCBA') # Manually specify creds
>>> ac.create_library('travel_data')
>>> ac.list_libraries()
>>> travel_library = ac['travel_data']
>>> ac.delete_library('travel_data')
_cls = None
for adapter_cls in self._LIBRARY_ADAPTERS:
if adapter_cls.supports_uri(uri):
_cls = adapter_cls
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid URI specified. Please see URI format specification for available formats. uri={uri}"
self._library_adapter = _cls(uri)
self._library_manager = LibraryManager(self._library_adapter.config_library)
self._uri = uri
def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> Library:
storage_override = self._library_adapter.get_storage_override()
lib = NativeVersionStore(
self._library_manager.get_library(name, storage_override),
lib_cfg=self._library_manager.get_library_config(name, storage_override),
return Library(repr(self), lib)
def __repr__(self):
return "Arctic(config=%r)" % self._library_adapter
[docs] def get_library(self, library: str) -> Library:
Returns the library named `library`.
This method can also be invoked through subscripting. ``Arctic('bucket').get_library("test")`` is equivalent to
>>> arctic = Arctic('s3://MY_ENDPOINT:MY_BUCKET')
>>> arctic.create_library('test.library')
>>> my_library = arctic.get_library('test.library')
>>> my_library = arctic['test.library']
return self[library]
[docs] def create_library(self, name: str, library_options: Optional[LibraryOptions] = None) -> None:
Creates the library named ``name``.
Arctic libraries contain named symbols which are the atomic unit of data storage within Arctic. Symbols
contain data that in most cases strongly resembles a DataFrame and are versioned such that all modifying
operations can be tracked and reverted.
Arctic libraries support concurrent writes and reads to multiple symbols as well as concurrent reads to a single
symbol. However, concurrent writers to a single symbol are not supported other than for primitives that
explicitly state support for single-symbol concurrent writes.
name: str
The name of the library that you wish to create.
library_options: Optional[LibraryOptions]
Options to use in configuring the library. Defaults if not provided are the same as are documented in LibraryOptions.
>>> arctic = Arctic('s3://MY_ENDPOINT:MY_BUCKET')
>>> arctic.create_library('test.library')
>>> my_library = arctic['test.library']
if self._library_manager.has_library(name):
raise ValueError(f"{name} already exists as a library. Please delete prior to re-creating.")
if library_options is None:
library_options = LibraryOptions()
library_config = self._library_adapter.create_library_config(name, library_options)
self._library_adapter.initialize_library(name, library_config)
self._library_manager.write_library_config(library_config, name)
[docs] def delete_library(self, name: str) -> None:
Removes the library called ``name``. This will remove the underlying data contained within the library and as
such will take as much time as the underlying delete operations take.
If no library with ``name`` exists then this is a no-op. In particular this method does not raise in this case.
name: `str`
Name of the library to delete.
if not self._library_manager.has_library(name):
self[name], self._library_manager.get_library_config(name, StorageOverride())
[docs] def list_libraries(self) -> List[str]:
Lists all libraries available.
>>> arctic = Arctic('s3://MY_ENDPOINT:MY_BUCKET')
>>> arctic.list_libraries()
A list of all library names that exist in this Arctic instance.
return self._library_manager.list_libraries()
[docs] def get_uri(self) -> str:
Returns the URI that was used to create the Arctic instance.
>>> arctic = Arctic('s3://MY_ENDPOINT:MY_BUCKET')
>>> arctic.get_uri()
return self._uri