Source code for arcticdb.version_store._store

Copyright 2023 Man Group Operations Limited

Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License 1.1 included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.

As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed by the Apache License, version 2.0.
import datetime
import os
import sys
import pandas as pd
import pytz
import re
import six
import itertools
import attr
import warnings
import difflib
from datetime import datetime
from numpy import datetime64
from pandas import Timestamp, to_datetime, Timedelta
from typing import Any, Optional, Union, List, Mapping, Iterable, Sequence, Tuple, Dict, Set, TYPE_CHECKING
from contextlib import contextmanager

from arcticc.pb2.descriptors_pb2 import TypeDescriptor, SortedValue
from arcticc.pb2.storage_pb2 import LibraryConfig, EnvironmentConfigsMap
from arcticdb.preconditions import check
from arcticdb.supported_types import DateRangeInput, ExplicitlySupportedDates
from arcticdb.toolbox.library_tool import LibraryTool
from arcticdb.version_store.processing import QueryBuilder
from import OpenMode as _OpenMode
from arcticdb.encoding_version import EncodingVersion
from import (
    create_mem_config_resolver as _create_mem_config_resolver,
    LibraryIndex as _LibraryIndex,
    Library as _Library,
from arcticdb.version_store.read_result import ReadResult
from arcticdb_ext.version_store import IndexRange as _IndexRange
from arcticdb_ext.version_store import RowRange as _RowRange
from arcticdb_ext.version_store import HeadRange as _HeadRange
from arcticdb_ext.version_store import TailRange as _TailRange
from arcticdb_ext.version_store import SignedRowRange as _SignedRowRange
from arcticdb_ext.version_store import PythonVersionStore as _PythonVersionStore
from arcticdb_ext.version_store import PythonVersionStoreReadQuery as _PythonVersionStoreReadQuery
from arcticdb_ext.version_store import PythonVersionStoreUpdateQuery as _PythonVersionStoreUpdateQuery
from arcticdb_ext.version_store import PythonVersionStoreReadOptions as _PythonVersionStoreReadOptions
from arcticdb_ext.version_store import PythonVersionStoreVersionQuery as _PythonVersionStoreVersionQuery
from arcticdb_ext.version_store import ColumnStats as _ColumnStats
from arcticdb_ext.version_store import StreamDescriptorMismatch
from arcticdb_ext.version_store import DataError
from arcticdb.authorization.permissions import OpenMode
from arcticdb.exceptions import ArcticNativeNotYetImplemented, ArcticNativeException
from arcticdb.flattener import Flattener
from arcticdb.log import version as log
from arcticdb.version_store._custom_normalizers import get_custom_normalizer, CompositeCustomNormalizer
from arcticdb.version_store._normalization import (
from arcticdb.util.memory import format_bytes

# These chars are encoded by S3 and on doing a list_symbols they will show up as the encoded form eg. &amp
UNSUPPORTED_S3_CHARS = {"\0", "*", "&", "<", ">"}
MAX_SYMBOL_SIZE = (2**8) - 1

TimeSeriesType = Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]

IS_WINDOWS = sys.platform == "win32"

# auto_attribs=True breaks Cython-ising this code. As a result must manually create attr.ib instances.
[docs] @attr.s(slots=True, auto_attribs=False) class VersionedItem: """ Return value for many operations that captures the result and associated information. Attributes ---------- library: str Library this result relates to. symbol: str Read or modified symbol. data: Any For data retrieval (read) operations, contains the data read. For data modification operations, the value might not be populated. version: int For data retrieval operations, the version the `as_of` argument resolved to. For data modification operations, the version the data has been written under. metadata: Any The metadata saved alongside `data`. Availability depends on the method used and may be different from that of `data`. host: Optional[str] Informational / for backwards compatibility. """ symbol: str = attr.ib() library: str = attr.ib() data: Any = attr.ib(repr=lambda d: "n/a" if d is None else str(type(d))) version: int = attr.ib() metadata: Any = attr.ib(default=None) host: Optional[str] = attr.ib(default=None) def __iter__(self): # Backwards compatible with the old NamedTuple implementation warnings.warn("Don't iterate VersionedItem. Use attrs.astuple() explicitly", SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) return iter(attr.astuple(self))
def _env_config_from_lib_config(lib_cfg, env): cfg = EnvironmentConfigsMap() e = cfg.env_by_id[env] e.lib_by_path[].CopyFrom(lib_cfg.lib_desc) for sid in lib_cfg.lib_desc.storage_ids: e.storage_by_id[sid].CopyFrom(lib_cfg.storage_by_id[sid]) return cfg VersionQueryInput = Union[int, str, ExplicitlySupportedDates, None] def _normalize_dt_range(dtr: DateRangeInput) -> _IndexRange: start, end = normalize_dt_range_to_ts(dtr) return _IndexRange(start.value, end.value) def _handle_categorical_columns(symbol, data, throw=True): if isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): categorical_columns = [] if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): for column_name, dtype in data.dtypes.items(): if == "category": categorical_columns.append(column_name) else: # Series if == "category": categorical_columns.append( if len(categorical_columns) > 0: message = ( "Symbol: {}\nDataFrame/Series contains categorical data, cannot append or update\nCategorical" " columns: {}".format(symbol, categorical_columns) ) if throw: raise ArcticNativeNotYetImplemented(message) else: log.warn(message) _BATCH_BAD_ARGS: Dict[Any, Sequence[str]] = {} _STREAM_DESCRIPTOR_SPLIT = re.compile(r"(?<=>), ") def _check_batch_kwargs(batch_fun, non_batch_fun, kwargs: Dict): cached = _BATCH_BAD_ARGS.get(batch_fun, None) if not cached: batch_args = set(batch_fun.__code__.co_varnames[: batch_fun.__code__.co_argcount]) none_args = set(non_batch_fun.__code__.co_varnames[: non_batch_fun.__code__.co_argcount]) cached = _BATCH_BAD_ARGS[batch_fun] = none_args - batch_args union = cached & kwargs.keys() if union: log.warning("Using non-batch arguments {} with {}", union, batch_fun.__name__) @contextmanager def _diff_long_stream_descriptor_mismatch(nvs): # Diffing strings is easier done in Python than C++ try: yield except StreamDescriptorMismatch as sdm: nvs.last_mismatch_msg = sdm.args[0] preamble, existing, new_val = sdm.args[0].split("\n") existing = _STREAM_DESCRIPTOR_SPLIT.split(existing[existing.find("=") + 1 :]) new_val = _STREAM_DESCRIPTOR_SPLIT.split(new_val[new_val.find("=") + 1 :]) diff = difflib.unified_diff(existing, new_val, n=0) new_msg_lines = ( preamble, "(Showing only the mismatch. Full col list saved in the `last_mismatch_msg` attribute of the lib instance.", "'-' marks columns missing from the argument, '+' for unexpected.)", *(x for x in itertools.islice(diff, 3, None) if not x.startswith("@@")), ) sdm.args = ("\n".join(new_msg_lines),) raise def _assume_true(name, kwargs): if name in kwargs and kwargs.get(name) is False: return False else: return True def _assume_false(name, kwargs): if name not in kwargs or kwargs.get(name) is False: return False else: return True class NativeVersionStore: """ NativeVersionStore objects provide access to ArcticDB libraries, enabling fundamental library operations such as list, reading and writing symbols (tables). """ _warned_about_list_version_latest_only_and_snapshot: bool = False def __init__(self, library, env, lib_cfg=None, open_mode=OpenMode.DELETE): # type: (_Library, Optional[str], Optional[LibraryConfig], OpenMode)->None fail_on_missing = library.config.fail_on_missing_custom_normalizer if library.config is not None else False custom_normalizer = get_custom_normalizer(fail_on_missing) self._initialize(library, env, lib_cfg, custom_normalizer, open_mode) def _init_norm_failure_handler(self): # init normalization failure handler nfh = self._cfg.WhichOneof("norm_failure_handler") if self._cfg is not None else None if nfh is None or nfh == "msg_pack": if nfh is not None: nfh = getattr(self._cfg, nfh, None) use_norm_failure_handler_known_types = ( self._cfg.use_norm_failure_handler_known_types if self._cfg is not None else False ) self._normalizer = CompositeNormalizer( MsgPackNormalizer(nfh), use_norm_failure_handler_known_types=use_norm_failure_handler_known_types ) else: raise ArcticNativeNotYetImplemented("No other normalization failure handler") def _initialize(self, library, env, lib_cfg, custom_normalizer, open_mode): self._library = library self._cfg = library.config self.version_store = _PythonVersionStore(self._library) self.env = env or "local" self._lib_cfg = lib_cfg self._custom_normalizer = custom_normalizer self._init_norm_failure_handler() self._open_mode = open_mode @classmethod def create_store_from_lib_config(cls, lib_cfg, env, open_mode=OpenMode.DELETE): lib = cls.create_lib_from_lib_config(lib_cfg, env, open_mode) return cls(library=lib, lib_cfg=lib_cfg, env=env, open_mode=open_mode) @classmethod def create_store_from_config( cls, cfg, env, lib_name, open_mode=OpenMode.DELETE, encoding_version=EncodingVersion.V1 ): from arcticdb.version_store.helper import extract_lib_config lib_cfg = extract_lib_config(cfg.env_by_id[env], lib_name) lib_cfg.lib_desc.version.encoding_version = encoding_version lib = cls.create_lib_from_lib_config(lib_cfg, env, open_mode) return cls(library=lib, lib_cfg=lib_cfg, env=env, open_mode=open_mode) @staticmethod def create_lib_from_lib_config(lib_cfg, env, open_mode): envs_cfg = _env_config_from_lib_config(lib_cfg, env) cfg_resolver = _create_mem_config_resolver(envs_cfg) lib_idx = _LibraryIndex.create_from_resolver(env, cfg_resolver) return lib_idx.get_library(, _OpenMode(open_mode)) @staticmethod def create_lib_from_config(cfg, env, lib_name): cfg_resolver = _create_mem_config_resolver(cfg) lib_idx = _LibraryIndex.create_from_resolver(env, cfg_resolver) return lib_idx.get_library(lib_name, _OpenMode(OpenMode.DELETE)) def __setstate__(self, state): lib_cfg = LibraryConfig() lib_cfg.ParseFromString(state["lib_cfg"]) custom_norm = CompositeCustomNormalizer([], False) custom_norm.__setstate__(state["custom_norm"]) env = state["env"] open_mode = state["open_mode"] self._initialize( library=NativeVersionStore.create_lib_from_lib_config(lib_cfg, env, open_mode), env=env, lib_cfg=lib_cfg, custom_normalizer=custom_norm, open_mode=open_mode, ) def __getstate__(self): return { "env": self.env, "lib_cfg": self._lib_cfg.SerializeToString(), "custom_norm": self._custom_normalizer.__getstate__() if self._custom_normalizer is not None else "", "open_mode": self._open_mode, } def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __str__(self): return "{}: Library: {}, Primary Storage: {}.".format( self.__class__.__name__,, self.get_backing_store() ) def get_backing_store(self): backing_store = "" try: primary_backing_url = list(self._lib_cfg.storage_by_id.values())[0].config.type_url storage_val ="*)_pb2.Config", primary_backing_url) backing_store = except Exception as e: log.error("Could not get primary backing store for lib due to: {}".format(e)) return backing_store def _try_normalize(self, symbol, dataframe, metadata, pickle_on_failure, dynamic_strings, coerce_columns, **kwargs): dynamic_schema = self.resolve_defaults( "dynamic_schema", self._lib_cfg.lib_desc.version.write_options, False, **kwargs ) try: udm = normalize_metadata(metadata) if metadata is not None else None opt_custom = self._custom_normalizer.normalize(dataframe) if opt_custom is not None: item, custom_norm_meta = opt_custom item, norm_meta = self._normalizer.normalize(item) norm_meta.custom.CopyFrom(custom_norm_meta) else: # TODO: just for pandas dataframes for now. item, norm_meta = self._normalizer.normalize( dataframe, pickle_on_failure=pickle_on_failure, dynamic_strings=dynamic_strings, coerce_columns=coerce_columns, dynamic_schema=dynamic_schema, **kwargs, ) except ArcticNativeNotYetImplemented as ex: log.error("Not supported: normalizing symbol={}, data={}, metadata={}, {}", symbol, dataframe, metadata, ex) raise except Exception as ex: log.error("Error while normalizing symbol={}, data={}, metadata={}, {}", symbol, dataframe, metadata, ex) raise ArcticNativeException(str(ex)) if norm_meta is None: raise ArcticNativeException("Cannot normalize input {}".format(symbol)) return udm, item, norm_meta @staticmethod def check_symbol_validity(symbol): if not len(symbol) < MAX_SYMBOL_SIZE: raise ArcticNativeNotYetImplemented( f"Symbol length {len(symbol)} chars exceeds the max supported length of {MAX_SYMBOL_SIZE} chars." ) if len(set(symbol).intersection(UNSUPPORTED_S3_CHARS)): raise ArcticNativeNotYetImplemented( f"The symbol '{symbol}' has one or more unsupported characters({','.join(UNSUPPORTED_S3_CHARS)})." ) def _try_flatten_and_write_composite_object( self, symbol, data, metadata, pickle_on_failure, dynamic_strings, prune_previous ): fl = Flattener() if fl.can_flatten(data): metastruct, to_write = fl.create_meta_structure(data, symbol) # Collect all normalized items and metadata for normalization to write. items = [] norm_metas = [] # No items to write can happen if the entire structure is msgpack serializable. eg: [1,2] doesn't # need to go through a multi key process as the msgpack normalizer can handle it as is. if len(to_write) > 0: for k, v in to_write.items(): _, item, norm_meta = self._try_normalize(k, v, None, pickle_on_failure, dynamic_strings, None) items.append(item) norm_metas.append(norm_meta) normalized_udm = normalize_metadata(metadata) if metadata is not None else None normalized_metastruct = normalize_metadata(metastruct) vit_composite = self.version_store.write_versioned_composite_data( symbol, normalized_metastruct, list(to_write.keys()), items, norm_metas, normalized_udm, prune_previous, ) return VersionedItem( symbol=vit_composite.symbol, library=self._library.library_path, version=vit_composite.version, metadata=metadata, data=None, host=self.env, ) def _write_options(self): return self._lib_cfg.lib_desc.version.write_options @staticmethod def resolve_defaults(param_name, proto_cfg, global_default, existing_value=None, uppercase=True, **kwargs): """ Precedence: existing_value > kwargs > env > proto_cfg > global_default Parameters ---------- param_name: str proto_cfg Gets the param_name attribute of this object Most often is `self._write_options()` for the Protobuf write_options. global_default FUTURE: store this in a central location existing_value: The value already supplied to the caller uppercase If true (default), will look for `param_name.upper()` in OS environment variables; otherwise, the original case. kwargs For passing through the caller's kwargs in which we look for `param_name` *Deprecating: use `existing_value`* """ if existing_value is not None: return existing_value param_value = kwargs.get(param_name) if param_value is not None: return param_value env_name = param_name.upper() if uppercase else param_name env_value = os.getenv(env_name) if env_value is not None: return env_value not in ("", "0") and not env_value.lower().startswith("f") try: config_value = getattr(proto_cfg, param_name) if config_value is not None: return config_value except AttributeError: pass return global_default def write( self, symbol: str, data: Any, metadata: Optional[Any] = None, prune_previous_version: Optional[bool] = None, pickle_on_failure: Optional[bool] = None, validate_index: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Optional[VersionedItem]: """ Write `data` to the specified `symbol`. If `symbol` already exists then a new version will be created to reference the newly written data. For more information on versions see the documentation for the `read` primitive. Pandas DataFrames, Pandas Series and Numpy NDArrays will be normalised into a common structure suitable for storage. Data that cannot be normalised can be written by pickling the data, however pickled data consumes more storage space, is less performant for reads and writes and does not support advanced query features. Pickling is therefore only supported via the `pickle_on_failure` flag. Normalised data will be divided into segments that are deduplicated against storage prior to write. As a result, if `data` contains only slight changes compared to pre-existing versions only the delta will be written. Note that `write` is not designed for multiple concurrent writers over a single symbol. Note: ArcticDB will use the 0-th level index of the Pandas DataFrame for its on-disk index. Any non-`DatetimeIndex` will converted into an internal `RowCount` index. That is, ArcticDB will assign each row a monotonically increasing integer identifier and that will be used for the index. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol name. Limited to 255 characters. The following characters are not supported in symbols: "*", "&", "<", ">" data : `Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.array]` Data to be written. metadata : `Optional[Any]`, default=None Optional metadata to persist along with the symbol. prune_previous_version : `bool`, default=True Removes previous (non-snapshotted) versions from the database. pickle_on_failure: `bool`, default=False Pickle `data` if it can't be normalized. validate_index: bool, default=False If True, will verify that the index of `data` supports date range searches and update operations. This in effect tests that the data is sorted in ascending order. ArcticDB relies on Pandas to detect if data is sorted - you can call DataFrame.index.is_monotonic_increasing on your input DataFrame to see if Pandas believes the data to be sorted kwargs : passed through to the write handler Returns ------- Optional[VersionedItem] Structure containing metadata and version number of the written symbol in the store. The data attribute will not be populated. Raises ------ UnsortedDataException If data is unsorted, when validate_index is set to True. Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'column': [5,6,7]}) >>> lib.write("symbol", df, metadata={'my_dictionary': 'is_great'}) >>>"symbol").data column 0 5 1 6 2 7 """ self.check_symbol_validity(symbol) proto_cfg = self._lib_cfg.lib_desc.version.write_options dynamic_strings = self._resolve_dynamic_strings(kwargs) pickle_on_failure = self.resolve_defaults( "pickle_on_failure", proto_cfg, global_default=False, existing_value=pickle_on_failure, **kwargs ) prune_previous_version = self.resolve_defaults( "prune_previous_version", proto_cfg, global_default=False, existing_value=prune_previous_version, **kwargs ) recursive_normalizers = self.resolve_defaults( "recursive_normalizers", proto_cfg, global_default=False, uppercase=False, **kwargs ) parallel = self.resolve_defaults("parallel", proto_cfg, global_default=False, uppercase=False, **kwargs) incomplete = self.resolve_defaults("incomplete", proto_cfg, global_default=False, uppercase=False, **kwargs) # TODO remove me when dynamic strings is the default everywhere if parallel: dynamic_strings = True coerce_columns = kwargs.get("coerce_columns", None) sparsify_floats = kwargs.get("sparsify_floats", False) _handle_categorical_columns(symbol, data, False) log.debug( "Writing with pickle_on_failure={}, prune_previous_version={}, recursive_normalizers={}", pickle_on_failure, prune_previous_version, recursive_normalizers, ) # Do a multi_key write if the structured is nested and is not trivially normalizable via msgpack. if recursive_normalizers: vit = self._try_flatten_and_write_composite_object( symbol, data, metadata, pickle_on_failure, dynamic_strings, prune_previous_version ) if isinstance(vit, VersionedItem): return vit udm, item, norm_meta = self._try_normalize( symbol, data, metadata, pickle_on_failure, dynamic_strings, coerce_columns ) # TODO: allow_sparse for write_parallel / recursive normalizers as well. if isinstance(item, NPDDataFrame): if parallel: self.version_store.write_parallel(symbol, item, norm_meta, udm) return None elif incomplete: self.version_store.append_incomplete(symbol, item, norm_meta, udm) return None else: vit = self.version_store.write_versioned_dataframe( symbol, item, norm_meta, udm, prune_previous_version, sparsify_floats, validate_index ) return VersionedItem( symbol=vit.symbol, library=self._library.library_path, version=vit.version, metadata=metadata, data=None, host=self.env, ) def _resolve_dynamic_strings(self, kwargs): proto_cfg = self._lib_cfg.lib_desc.version.write_options if IS_WINDOWS: # Fixed size strings not implemented yet for Windows as Py_UNICODE_SIZE is 2 whereas on Linux it is 4 normal_value = self.resolve_defaults("dynamic_strings", proto_cfg, global_default=True, **kwargs) if not normal_value: log.debug( "Windows only supports dynamic_strings=True, using dynamic strings despite configuration or kwarg" ) dynamic_strings = True else: dynamic_strings = self.resolve_defaults("dynamic_strings", proto_cfg, global_default=False, **kwargs) return dynamic_strings last_mismatch_msg: Optional[str] = None def append( self, symbol: str, dataframe: TimeSeriesType, metadata: Optional[Any] = None, incomplete: bool = False, prune_previous_version: bool = False, validate_index: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> Optional[VersionedItem]: # FUTURE: use @overload and Literal for the existence of the return value once we ditch Python 3.6 """ Appends the given data to the existing, stored data. Appends always appends along the index. A new version will be created to reference the newly-appended data. Append only accepts data for which the index of the first row is equal to or greater than the index of the last row in the existing data. Appends containing differing column sets to the existing data are only possible if the library has been configured to support dynamic schema. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol name. dataframe : `TimeSeriesType` Data to be appended. metadata : `Optional[Any]`, default=None Optional metadata to persist along with the new symbol version. Note that the metadata is not combined in any way with the metadata stored in the previous version. prune_previous_version Removes previous (non-snapshotted) versions from the database. validate_index: bool, default=False If True, will verify that resulting symbol will support date range searches and update operations. This in effect tests that the previous version of the data and `data` are both sorted in ascending order. ArcticDB relies on Pandas to detect if data is sorted - you can call DataFrame.index.is_monotonic_increasing on your input DataFrame to see if Pandas believes the data to be sorted kwargs : passed through to the write handler Returns ------- Optional[VersionedItem] Structure containing metadata and version number of the written symbol in the store. The data attribute will not be populated. Nothing is returned if `incomplete` is set because no new version will be written. Raises ------ UnsortedDataException If data is unsorted, when validate_index is set to True. Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'column': [1,2,3]}, index=pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', end='1/3/2018')) >>> df column 2018-01-01 1 2018-01-02 2 2018-01-03 3 >>> lib.write("symbol", df) >>> to_append_df = pd.DataFrame({'column': [4,5,6]}, index=pd.date_range(start='1/4/2018', end='1/6/2018')) >>> to_append_df column 2018-01-04 4 2018-01-05 5 2018-01-06 6 >>> lib.append("symbol", to_append_df) >>>"symbol").data column 2018-01-01 1 2018-01-02 2 2018-01-03 3 2018-01-04 4 2018-01-05 5 2018-01-06 6 """ self.check_symbol_validity(symbol) dynamic_strings = self._resolve_dynamic_strings(kwargs) coerce_columns = kwargs.get("coerce_columns", None) _handle_categorical_columns(symbol, dataframe) udm, item, norm_meta = self._try_normalize(symbol, dataframe, metadata, False, dynamic_strings, coerce_columns) write_if_missing = kwargs.get("write_if_missing", True) if isinstance(item, NPDDataFrame): with _diff_long_stream_descriptor_mismatch(self): if incomplete: self.version_store.append_incomplete(symbol, item, norm_meta, udm) else: vit = self.version_store.append( symbol, item, norm_meta, udm, write_if_missing, prune_previous_version, validate_index ) return VersionedItem( symbol=vit.symbol, library=self._library.library_path, version=vit.version, metadata=metadata, data=None, host=self.env, ) def update( self, symbol: str, data: TimeSeriesType, metadata: Any = None, date_range: Optional[DateRangeInput] = None, upsert: bool = False, prune_previous_version: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> VersionedItem: """ Overwrites existing symbol data with the contents of `data`. The entire range between the first and last index entry in `data` is replaced in its entirety with the contents of `data`, adding additional index entries if required. `update` only operates over the outermost index level - this means secondary index rows will be removed if not contained in `data`. Both the existing symbol version and `data` must be timeseries-indexed. Update is idempotent. Parameters ---------- symbol: `str` Symbol name. data: `TimeSeriesType` Timeseries indexed data to use for the update. metadata: `Any`, default=None Optional metadata to persist along with the new symbol version. Note that the metadata is not combined in any way with the metadata stored in the previous version. date_range: None, or one of the types in DateRangeInput If a range is specified, it will clear/delete the data within the range and overwrite it with the data in `data`. This allows the user to update with data that might only be a subset of the original data. upsert: bool, default=False If True, will write the data even if the symbol does not exist. prune_previous_version Removes previous (non-snapshotted) versions from the database. Returns ------- VersionedItem Structure containing metadata and version number of the written symbol in the store. The data attribute will be None. Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'column': [1,2,3,4]}, index=pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', end='1/4/2018')) >>> df column 2018-01-01 1 2018-01-02 2 2018-01-03 3 2018-01-04 4 >>> lib.write("symbol", df) >>> update_df = pd.DataFrame({'column': [400, 50]}, index=pd.date_range(start='1/1/2018', end='1/3/2018', freq='2D')) >>> update_df column 2018-01-01 400 2018-01-03 40 >>> lib.update("symbol", update_df) >>>"symbol").data # Note that 2018-01-02 is removed despite not being part of `update_df` column 2018-01-01 400 2018-01-03 40 2018-01-04 4 """ self.check_symbol_validity(symbol) update_query = _PythonVersionStoreUpdateQuery() dynamic_strings = self._resolve_dynamic_strings(kwargs) dynamic_schema = self.resolve_defaults( "dynamic_schema", self._lib_cfg.lib_desc.version.write_options, False, **kwargs ) coerce_columns = kwargs.get("coerce_columns", None) if date_range is not None: start, end = normalize_dt_range_to_ts(date_range) update_query.row_filter = _IndexRange(start.value, end.value) data = restrict_data_to_date_range_only(data, start=start, end=end) _handle_categorical_columns(symbol, data) udm, item, norm_meta = self._try_normalize(symbol, data, metadata, False, dynamic_strings, coerce_columns) if isinstance(item, NPDDataFrame): with _diff_long_stream_descriptor_mismatch(self): vit = self.version_store.update( symbol, update_query, item, norm_meta, udm, upsert, dynamic_schema, prune_previous_version ) return VersionedItem( symbol=vit.symbol, library=self._library.library_path, version=vit.version, metadata=metadata, data=None, host=self.env, ) def create_column_stats( self, symbol: str, column_stats: Dict[str, Set[str]], as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None ) -> None: """ Calculates the specified column statistics for each row-slice for the given symbol. In the future, these statistics will be used by `QueryBuilder` filtering operations to reduce the number of data segments read out of storage. Parameters ---------- symbol: `str` Symbol name. column_stats: `Dict[str, Set[str]]` The column stats to create. Keys are column names. Values are sets of statistic types to build for that column. Options are: "MINMAX" : store the minimum and maximum value for the column in each row-slice as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. Returns ------- None """ column_stats = self._get_column_stats(column_stats) version_query = self._get_version_query(as_of) self.version_store.create_column_stats_version(symbol, column_stats, version_query) def drop_column_stats( self, symbol: str, column_stats: Optional[Dict[str, Set[str]]] = None, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None ) -> None: """ Deletes the specified column statistics for the given symbol. Parameters ---------- symbol: `str` Symbol name. column_stats: `Optional[Dict[str, Set[str]]], default=None` The column stats to drop. If not provided, all column stats will be dropped. See documentation of `create_column_stats` method for more details. as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. Returns ------- None """ column_stats = self._get_column_stats(column_stats) version_query = self._get_version_query(as_of) self.version_store.drop_column_stats_version(symbol, column_stats, version_query) def read_column_stats(self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read all the column statistics data that has been generated for the given symbol. Parameters ---------- symbol: `str` Symbol name. as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. Returns ------- `pandas.DataFrame` DataFrame representing the stored column statistics for each row-slice in a human-readable format. """ version_query = self._get_version_query(as_of, **kwargs) data = denormalize_dataframe(self.version_store.read_column_stats_version(symbol, version_query)) return data def get_column_stats_info( self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None, **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, Set[str]]: """ Read the column statistics dictionary for the given symbol. Parameters ---------- symbol: `str` Symbol name. as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. Returns ------- `Dict[str, Set[str]]` A dict from column names to sets of column stats that have been generated for that column. In the same format as the `column_stats` argument provided to `create_column_stats` and `drop_column_stats`. """ version_query = self._get_version_query(as_of, **kwargs) return self.version_store.get_column_stats_info_version(symbol, version_query).to_map() def _batch_read_keys(self, atom_keys): for result in self.version_store.batch_read_keys(atom_keys): read_result = ReadResult(*result) vitem = self._adapt_read_res(read_result) yield vitem def batch_read( self, symbols: List[str], as_ofs: Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]] = None, date_ranges: Optional[List[Optional[DateRangeInput]]] = None, query_builder: Optional[Union[QueryBuilder, List[QueryBuilder]]] = None, columns: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Dict[str, VersionedItem]: """ Reads multiple symbols in a batch fashion. This is more efficient than making multiple `read` calls in succession as some constant-time operations can be executed only once rather than once for each element of `symbols`. Parameters ---------- symbols: `List[str]` List of symbols to read as_ofs: `Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]]`, default=None List of version queries. See documentation of `read` method for more details. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. date_ranges: `Optional[List[Optional[DateRangeInput]]]`, default=None List of date ranges to filter the symbols. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. columns: `List[List[str]]`, default=None Which columns to return for a dataframe. i-th entry restricts columns for the i-th element in `symbols`. query_builder: `Optional[Union[QueryBuilder, List[QueryBuilder]]]`, default=None Either a single QueryBuilder object to apply to all of the dataframes before they are returned, or a list of QueryBuilder objects of the same length as the symbols list. For more information see the documentation for the QueryBuilder class. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. Examples -------- >>> lib.batch_read( ['1', '2', '3'], # Three symbols to read in batch mode date_ranges=[ (pd.Timestamp('2000-01-01 00:00:00'), pd.Timestamp('2000-02-01 00:00:00')) ]*3 # Note that number of date ranges must match number of symbols ) Returns ------- Dict Dictionary of symbol mapping with the versioned items """ _check_batch_kwargs(NativeVersionStore.batch_read,, kwargs) throw_on_missing_version = True versioned_items = self._batch_read_to_versioned_items( symbols, as_ofs, date_ranges, columns, query_builder, throw_on_missing_version, kwargs ) check( all(v is not None for v in versioned_items), "Null value from _batch_read_to_versioned_items. NoDataFoundException should have been thrown instead.", ) return {v.symbol: v for v in versioned_items} def _batch_read_to_versioned_items( self, symbols, as_ofs, date_ranges, columns, query_builder, throw_on_missing_version, kwargs=None ): if kwargs is None: kwargs = dict() version_queries = self._get_version_queries(len(symbols), as_ofs, **kwargs) read_queries = self._get_read_queries(len(symbols), date_ranges, columns, query_builder) read_options = self._get_read_options(**kwargs) read_options.set_batch_throw_on_missing_version(throw_on_missing_version) read_results = self.version_store.batch_read(symbols, version_queries, read_queries, read_options) versioned_items = [] for i in range(len(read_results)): if isinstance(read_results[i], DataError): versioned_items.append(read_results[i]) else: read_result = ReadResult(*read_results[i]) read_query = read_queries[i] query = None if query_builder is not None: query = query_builder if isinstance(query_builder, QueryBuilder) else query_builder[i] vitem = self._post_process_dataframe(read_result, read_query, query) versioned_items.append(vitem) return versioned_items def batch_read_metadata( self, symbols: List[str], as_ofs: Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]] = None, **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, VersionedItem]: """ Reads the metadata for multiple symbols in a batch fashion. This is more efficient than making multiple `read_metadata` calls in succession as some constant-time operations can be executed only once rather than once for each element of `symbols`. Will raise if any of the symbols do not exist. Parameters ---------- symbols: `List[str]` List of symbols to read the metadata for. Elements should not be duplicated. as_ofs: `Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]]`, default=None List of version queries. See documentation of `read` method for more details. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. Examples -------- >>> lib.batch_read_metadata( ['1', '2', '3'], # Three symbols to read in batch mode as_ofs=[32, 33, 34] # Note that number of as_ofs must match number of symbols ) Returns ------- Dict Dictionary of symbol mapping with the versioned items. The data attribute will be None. """ _check_batch_kwargs(NativeVersionStore.batch_read_metadata, NativeVersionStore.read_metadata, kwargs) meta_items = self._batch_read_meta_to_versioned_items(symbols, as_ofs, kwargs) return {v.symbol: v for v in meta_items if v is not None} def _batch_read_meta_to_versioned_items(self, symbols, as_ofs, kwargs=None): if kwargs is None: kwargs = dict() meta_data_list = [] version_queries = self._get_version_queries(len(symbols), as_ofs, **kwargs) read_options = self._get_read_options(**kwargs) result = self.version_store.batch_read_metadata(symbols, version_queries, read_options) result_list = list(zip(symbols, result)) for original_symbol, result in result_list: vitem, udm = result if original_symbol != vitem.symbol: meta_data_list.append(None) else: meta = denormalize_user_metadata(udm, self._normalizer) if udm else None meta_data_list.append( VersionedItem( symbol=vitem.symbol, library=self._library.library_path, data=None, version=vitem.version, metadata=meta, host=self.env, ) ) return meta_data_list def batch_read_metadata_multi( self, symbols: List[str], as_ofs: Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]] = None, **kwargs ) -> Dict[str, Dict[int, VersionedItem]]: """ Reads the metadata for multiple symbols in a batch fashion. This is more efficient than making multiple `read_metadata` calls in succession as some constant-time operations can be executed only once rather than once for each element of `symbols`. Will raise if any of the symbols do not exist. Behaviour is the same as batch_read_metadata, but allows the metadata for multiple versions of the same symbol to be read in one call. Parameters ---------- symbols: `List[str]` List of symbols to read the metadata for. Elements can be duplicated. as_ofs: `Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]]`, default=None List of version queries. See documentation of `read` method for more details. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. Examples -------- >>> lib.batch_read_metadata_multi( ['1', '1', '2'], # Three symbols to read in batch mode as_ofs=[32, 33, 34] # Note that number of as_ofs must match number of symbols ) Returns ------- Dict Dictionary of symbol mapped to dictionary of [int, VersionedItem], where the int represents the version for each VersionedItem for each symbol. The data attribute will be None. """ _check_batch_kwargs(NativeVersionStore.batch_read_metadata, NativeVersionStore.read_metadata, kwargs) results_dict = {} version_queries = self._get_version_queries(len(symbols), as_ofs, **kwargs) read_options = self._get_read_options(**kwargs) for result in self.version_store.batch_read_metadata(symbols, version_queries, read_options): vitem, udm = result meta = denormalize_user_metadata(udm, self._normalizer) if udm else None if vitem.symbol not in results_dict: results_dict[vitem.symbol] = {} results_dict[vitem.symbol][vitem.version] = VersionedItem( symbol=vitem.symbol, library=self._library.library_path, data=None, version=vitem.version, metadata=meta, host=self.env, ) return results_dict def _convert_thin_cxx_item_to_python(self, v) -> VersionedItem: """Convert a cxx versioned item that does not contain data or metadata to a Python equivalent.""" return VersionedItem( symbol=v.symbol, library=self._library.library_path, data=None, version=v.version, metadata=None, host=self.env, ) def batch_write( self, symbols: List[str], data_vector: List[Any], metadata_vector: Optional[List[Any]] = None, prune_previous_version=None, pickle_on_failure=None, validate_index: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> List[VersionedItem]: """ Write data to multiple symbols in a batch fashion. This is more efficient than making multiple `write` calls in succession as some constant-time operations can be executed only once rather than once for each element of `symbols`. Note that this isn't an atomic operation - it's possible for one symbol to be fully written and readable before another symbol. Parameters ---------- symbols : `List[str]` List of symbols to be written in batch. Elements should not be duplicated. data_vector : `List[Any]` Data to be written. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. metadata_vector : `Optional[List[Any]]`, default=None Metadata to be written. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. prune_previous_version : `Optional[bool]`, default=None Remove previous versions from version list. Uses library default if left as None. pickle_on_failure : `Optional[bool]`, default=None Pickle results if normalization fails. Uses library default if left as None. validate_index: bool, default=False If set to True, it will verify for each entry in the batch whether the index of the data supports date range searches and update operations. This in effect tests that the data is sorted in ascending order. ArcticDB relies on Pandas to detect if data is sorted - you can call DataFrame.index.is_monotonic_increasing on your input DataFrame to see if Pandas believes the data to be sorted kwargs : passed through to the write handler Examples -------- >>> lib.batch_write( ['1', '2', '3'], # Three symbols to write in one call [df1, df2, df3], # Three dataframes ) Returns ------- List List of versioned items. The data attribute will be None for each versioned item. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. Raises ------ UnsortedDataException If data is unsorted, when validate_index is set to True. """ _check_batch_kwargs(NativeVersionStore.batch_write, NativeVersionStore.write, kwargs) for symbol in symbols: self.check_symbol_validity(symbol) proto_cfg = self._lib_cfg.lib_desc.version.write_options prune_previous_version = self.resolve_defaults( "prune_previous_version", proto_cfg, global_default=False, existing_value=prune_previous_version ) dynamic_strings = self._resolve_dynamic_strings(kwargs) pickle_on_failure = self.resolve_defaults( "pickle_on_failure", proto_cfg, global_default=False, existing_value=pickle_on_failure, **kwargs ) if metadata_vector is None: metadata_itr = itertools.repeat(None) else: metadata_itr = iter(metadata_vector) for idx in range(len(symbols)): _handle_categorical_columns(symbols[idx], data_vector[idx], False) normalized_infos = [ self._try_normalize( symbols[idx], data_vector[idx], next(metadata_itr), pickle_on_failure=pickle_on_failure, dynamic_strings=dynamic_strings, coerce_columns=None, ) for idx in range(len(symbols)) ] udms = [info[0] for info in normalized_infos] items = [info[1] for info in normalized_infos] norm_metas = [info[2] for info in normalized_infos] cxx_versioned_items = self.version_store.batch_write( symbols, items, norm_metas, udms, prune_previous_version, validate_index ) return [self._convert_thin_cxx_item_to_python(v) for v in cxx_versioned_items] def _batch_write_metadata_to_versioned_items( self, symbols: List[str], metadata_vector: List[Any], prune_previous_version ): for symbol in symbols: self.check_symbol_validity(symbol) proto_cfg = self._lib_cfg.lib_desc.version.write_options prune_previous_version = self.resolve_defaults( "prune_previous_version", proto_cfg, global_default=False, existing_value=prune_previous_version ) normalized_meta = [normalize_metadata(metadata_vector[idx]) for idx in range(len(symbols))] cxx_versioned_items = self.version_store.batch_write_metadata(symbols, normalized_meta, prune_previous_version) write_metadata_results = [] for result in cxx_versioned_items: if isinstance(result, DataError): write_metadata_results.append(result) else: write_metadata_results.append(self._convert_thin_cxx_item_to_python(result)) return write_metadata_results def batch_write_metadata( self, symbols: List[str], metadata_vector: List[Any], prune_previous_version=None ) -> List[Union[VersionedItem, DataError]]: """ Write metadata to multiple symbols in a batch fashion. This is more efficient than making multiple `write` calls in succession as some constant-time operations can be executed only once rather than once for each element of `symbols`. Note that this isn't an atomic operation - it's possible for the metadata for one symbol to be fully written and readable before another symbol. Parameters ---------- symbols : `List[str]` List of symbols to be written in batch. Elements should not be duplicated. metadata_vector : `List[Any]` Metadata to be written. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. prune_previous_version : `Optional[bool]`, default=None Remove previous versions from version list. Uses library default if left as None. Returns ------- List[Union[VersionedItem, DataError]] List of versioned items. The data attribute will be None for each versioned item. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. Each result correspond to a structure containing metadata and version number of the affected symbol in the store. If any internal exception is raised, a DataError object is returned, with symbol, error_code, error_category, and exception_string properties. """ return self._batch_write_metadata_to_versioned_items(symbols, metadata_vector, prune_previous_version) def batch_append( self, symbols: List[str], data_vector: List[TimeSeriesType], metadata_vector: Optional[List[Any]] = None, prune_previous_version=None, validate_index: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> List[VersionedItem]: """ Append data to multiple symbols in a batch fashion. This is more efficient than making multiple `append` calls in succession as some constant-time operations can be executed only once rather than once for each element of `symbols`. Note that this isn't an atomic operation - it's possible for one symbol to be fully written and readable before another symbol. Parameters ---------- symbols : `List[str]` List of symbols to be appended-to in batch. Elements should not be duplicated. data_vector : `List[TimeSeriesType]` Data to be appended. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. metadata_vector : `Optional[List[Any]]`, default=None Metadata to be written. Note that the metadata is not combined in any way with the metadata stored in the previous version. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. prune_previous_version : `Optional[bool]`, default=None Remove previous versions from version list. Uses library default if left as None. validate_index: bool, default=False If set to True, it will verify for each entry in the batch whether the index of the data supports date range searches and update operations. This in effect tests that the data is sorted in ascending order. ArcticDB relies on Pandas to detect if data is sorted - you can call DataFrame.index.is_monotonic_increasing on your input DataFrame to see if Pandas believes the data to be sorted kwargs : passed through to the write handler Returns ------- List List of versioned items. The data attribute will be None for each versioned item. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. Raises ------ UnsortedDataException If data is unsorted, when validate_index is set to True. """ throw_on_missing_version = True _check_batch_kwargs(NativeVersionStore.batch_append, NativeVersionStore.append, kwargs) return self._batch_append_to_versioned_items( symbols, data_vector, metadata_vector, prune_previous_version, validate_index, throw_on_missing_version, **kwargs, ) def _batch_append_to_versioned_items( self, symbols, data_vector, metadata_vector, prune_previous_version, validate_index, throw_on_missing_version, **kwargs, ): for symbol in symbols: self.check_symbol_validity(symbol) proto_cfg = self._lib_cfg.lib_desc.version.write_options prune_previous_version = self.resolve_defaults( "prune_previous_version", proto_cfg, global_default=False, existing_value=prune_previous_version ) dynamic_strings = self._resolve_dynamic_strings(kwargs) if metadata_vector is None: metadata_itr = itertools.repeat(None) else: metadata_itr = iter(metadata_vector) for idx in range(len(symbols)): _handle_categorical_columns(symbols[idx], data_vector[idx]) normalized_infos = [ self._try_normalize( symbols[idx], data_vector[idx], next(metadata_itr), dynamic_strings=dynamic_strings, pickle_on_failure=False, coerce_columns=None, ) for idx in range(len(symbols)) ] udms = [info[0] for info in normalized_infos] items = [info[1] for info in normalized_infos] norm_metas = [info[2] for info in normalized_infos] write_if_missing = kwargs.get("write_if_missing", True) cxx_versioned_items = self.version_store.batch_append( symbols, items, norm_metas, udms, prune_previous_version, validate_index, write_if_missing, throw_on_missing_version, ) append_results = [] for result in cxx_versioned_items: if isinstance(result, DataError): append_results.append(result) else: append_results.append(self._convert_thin_cxx_item_to_python(result)) return append_results def batch_restore_version( self, symbols: List[str], as_ofs: Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]] = None, **kwargs ) -> List[VersionedItem]: """ Makes the latest version of the symbols equal to the as_of specified versions. Parameters ---------- symbols : `List[str]` Symbol names. as_ofs : `Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. Returns ------- List[VersionedItem] Includes the version number that was just written. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. """ _check_batch_kwargs(NativeVersionStore.batch_restore_version, NativeVersionStore.restore_version, kwargs) version_queries = self._get_version_queries(len(symbols), as_ofs, **kwargs) raw_results = self.version_store.batch_restore_version(symbols, version_queries) read_results = [ReadResult(*r) for r in raw_results] metadatas = [denormalize_user_metadata(read_result.udm, self._normalizer) for read_result in read_results] return [ VersionedItem( symbol=result.version.symbol, library=self._library.library_path, data=None, version=result.version.version, metadata=meta, host=self.env, ) for result, meta in zip(read_results, metadatas) ] def _get_version_query(self, as_of: VersionQueryInput, **kwargs): version_query = _PythonVersionStoreVersionQuery() version_query.set_skip_compat(_assume_true("skip_compat", kwargs)) version_query.set_iterate_on_failure(_assume_false("iterate_on_failure", kwargs)) if isinstance(as_of, six.string_types): version_query.set_snap_name(as_of) elif isinstance(as_of, int): version_query.set_version(as_of) elif isinstance(as_of, (datetime, Timestamp)): version_query.set_timestamp(Timestamp(as_of).value) elif as_of is not None: raise ArcticNativeException("Unexpected combination of read parameters") return version_query def _get_version_queries(self, num_symbols: int, as_ofs: Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]], **kwargs): if as_ofs is not None: check( len(as_ofs) == num_symbols, "Mismatched number of symbols ({}) and as_ofs ({}) supplied to batch read", num_symbols, len(as_ofs), ) return [self._get_version_query(as_of, **kwargs) for as_of in as_ofs] else: return [self._get_version_query(None, **kwargs) for _ in range(num_symbols)] def _get_read_query(self, date_range: Optional[DateRangeInput], row_range, columns, query_builder): check(date_range is None or row_range is None, "Date range and row range both specified") read_query = _PythonVersionStoreReadQuery() if query_builder: read_query.add_clauses(query_builder.clauses) if date_range is not None: read_query.row_filter = _normalize_dt_range(date_range) elif query_builder and query_builder.has_date_range_clause(): start, end = query_builder.date_range_boundaries() read_query.row_filter = _IndexRange(start, end) if row_range is not None: read_query.row_range = row_range if columns is not None: read_query.columns = list(columns) return read_query def _get_read_queries( self, num_symbols: int, date_ranges: Optional[List[Optional[DateRangeInput]]], columns: Optional[List[List[str]]], query_builder: Optional[Union[QueryBuilder, List[QueryBuilder]]], ): read_queries = [] if date_ranges is not None: check( len(date_ranges) == num_symbols, "Mismatched number of symbols ({}) and date ranges ({}) supplied to batch read", num_symbols, len(date_ranges), ) if query_builder is not None and not isinstance(query_builder, QueryBuilder): check( len(query_builder) == num_symbols, "Mismatched number of symbols ({}) and query builders ({}) supplied to batch read", num_symbols, len(query_builder), ) if columns is not None: check( len(columns) == num_symbols, "Mismatched number of symbols ({}) and columns ({}) supplied to batch read", num_symbols, len(columns), ) for idx in range(num_symbols): date_range = None these_columns = None query = None if date_ranges is not None: date_range = date_ranges[idx] if columns is not None: these_columns = columns[idx] if query_builder is not None: query = query_builder if isinstance(query_builder, QueryBuilder) else query_builder[idx] read_queries.append(self._get_read_query(date_range, None, these_columns, query)) return read_queries def _get_read_options(self, **kwargs): proto_cfg = self._lib_cfg.lib_desc.version.write_options read_options = _PythonVersionStoreReadOptions() read_options.set_force_strings_to_object(_assume_false("force_string_to_object", kwargs)) read_options.set_optimise_string_memory(_assume_false("optimise_string_memory", kwargs)) read_options.set_dynamic_schema( self.resolve_defaults("dynamic_schema", proto_cfg, global_default=False, **kwargs) ) read_options.set_set_tz(self.resolve_defaults("set_tz", proto_cfg, global_default=False, **kwargs)) read_options.set_allow_sparse(self.resolve_defaults("allow_sparse", proto_cfg, global_default=False, **kwargs)) read_options.set_incompletes(self.resolve_defaults("incomplete", proto_cfg, global_default=False, **kwargs)) return read_options def _get_queries(self, as_of, date_range, row_range, columns, query_builder, **kwargs): version_query = self._get_version_query(as_of, **kwargs) read_options = self._get_read_options(**kwargs) read_query = self._get_read_query(date_range, row_range, columns, query_builder) return version_query, read_options, read_query def _get_column_stats(self, column_stats): return None if column_stats is None else _ColumnStats(column_stats) def read( self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None, date_range: Optional[DateRangeInput] = None, row_range: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, query_builder: Optional[QueryBuilder] = None, **kwargs, ) -> VersionedItem: """ Read data for the named symbol. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol name. as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None Return the data as it was as_of the point in time. Defaults to getting the latest version. `int` : specific version number. Negative indexing is supported, with -1 representing the latest version, -2 the version before that, etc. `str` : snapshot name which contains the version `datetime.datetime` : the version of the data that existed as_of the requested point in time date_range: `Optional[DateRangeInput]`, default=None DateRange to read data for. Applicable only for Pandas data with a DateTime index. Returns only the part of the data that falls within the given range. The same effect can be achieved by using the date_range clause of the QueryBuilder class, which will be slower, but return data with a smaller memory footprint. See the QueryBuilder.date_range docstring for more details. row_range: `Optional[Tuple[int, int]]`, default=None Row range to read data for. Inclusive of the lower bound, exclusive of the upper bound, row_range=(start, end)).data should behave the same as df.iloc[start:end], including in the handling of negative start/end values. Only one of date_range or row_range can be provided. columns: `Optional[List[str]]`, default=None Applicable only for Pandas data. Determines which columns to return data for. query_builder: 'Optional[QueryBuilder]', default=None A QueryBuilder object to apply to the dataframe before it is returned. For more information see the documentation for the QueryBuilder class. Returns ------- VersionedItem """ if row_range is not None: row_range = _SignedRowRange(row_range[0], row_range[1]) if date_range is not None and query_builder is not None: q = QueryBuilder() query_builder = q.date_range(date_range).then(query_builder) version_query, read_options, read_query = self._get_queries( as_of, date_range, row_range, columns, query_builder, **kwargs ) read_result = self._read_dataframe(symbol, version_query, read_query, read_options) return self._post_process_dataframe(read_result, read_query, query_builder) def head( self, symbol: str, n: Optional[int] = 5, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> VersionedItem: """ Read the first n rows of data for the named symbol. If n is negative, return all rows EXCEPT the last n rows. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol name. n : 'Optional[int]', default=5 number of rows to select as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. columns: `list` Which columns to return for a dataframe. Returns ------- VersionedItem """ row_range = _HeadRange(n) q = QueryBuilder() q = q._head(n) version_query, read_options, read_query = self._get_queries(as_of, None, row_range, columns, q, **kwargs) read_result = self._read_dataframe(symbol, version_query, read_query, read_options) return self._post_process_dataframe(read_result, read_query, q) def tail( self, symbol: str, n: int = 5, as_of: VersionQueryInput = None, columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs ) -> VersionedItem: """ Read the last n rows of data for the named symbol. If n is negative, return all rows EXCEPT the first n rows. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol name. n : 'Optional[int]', default=5 number of rows to select as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. columns: `list` Which columns to return for a dataframe. Returns ------- VersionedItem """ row_range = _TailRange(n) q = QueryBuilder() q = q._tail(n) version_query, read_options, read_query = self._get_queries(as_of, None, row_range, columns, q, **kwargs) read_result = self._read_dataframe(symbol, version_query, read_query, read_options) return self._post_process_dataframe(read_result, read_query, q) def _read_dataframe(self, symbol, version_query, read_query, read_options): return ReadResult(*self.version_store.read_dataframe_version(symbol, version_query, read_query, read_options)) def _post_process_dataframe(self, read_result, read_query, query_builder): if read_query.row_filter is not None and (query_builder is None or query_builder.needs_post_processing()): # post filter start_idx = end_idx = None if isinstance(read_query.row_filter, _RowRange): start_idx = read_query.row_filter.start - read_result.frame_data.offset end_idx = read_query.row_filter.end - read_result.frame_data.offset elif isinstance(read_query.row_filter, _IndexRange): ts_idx =[0] if len(ts_idx) != 0: start_idx = ts_idx.searchsorted(datetime64(read_query.row_filter.start_ts, "ns"), side="left") end_idx = ts_idx.searchsorted(datetime64(read_query.row_filter.end_ts, "ns"), side="right") else: raise ArcticNativeException("Unrecognised row_filter type: {}".format(type(read_query.row_filter))) data = [] for c in data.append(c[start_idx:end_idx]) read_result.frame_data = FrameData(data, read_result.frame_data.names, read_result.frame_data.index_columns) vitem = self._adapt_read_res(read_result) # Handle custom normalized data if len(read_result.keys) > 0: meta_struct = denormalize_user_metadata(read_result.mmeta) key_map = {v.symbol: for v in self._batch_read_keys(read_result.keys)} original_data = Flattener().create_original_obj_from_metastruct_new(meta_struct, key_map) return VersionedItem( symbol=vitem.symbol, library=vitem.library, data=original_data, version=vitem.version, metadata=vitem.metadata,, ) return vitem def _find_version( self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None, raise_on_missing: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs ) -> Optional[VersionedItem]: version_query = self._get_version_query(as_of, **kwargs) read_options = self._get_read_options(**kwargs) version_handle = self.version_store.find_version(symbol, version_query, read_options) if version_handle is None and raise_on_missing: raise KeyError(f"Cannot find version for symbol={symbol},as_of={as_of}") return version_handle def read_index(self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read the index key for the named symbol. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol name. as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. Returns ------- Pandas DataFrame representing the index key in a human-readable format. """ version_query = self._get_version_query(as_of, **kwargs) data = denormalize_dataframe(self.version_store.read_index(symbol, version_query)) return data def restore_version(self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None, **kwargs) -> VersionedItem: """ Makes the latest version of the symbol equal to the as_of specified version. lib.restore_version(sym, as_of) is semantically equivalent o lib.write(sym,, as_of).data) Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol name. as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. Returns ------- VersionedItem Includes the version number that was just written. """ version_query = self._get_version_query(as_of, **kwargs) read_result = ReadResult(*self.version_store.restore_version(symbol, version_query)) meta = denormalize_user_metadata(read_result.udm, self._normalizer) return VersionedItem( symbol=read_result.version.symbol, library=self._library.library_path, data=None, version=read_result.version.version, metadata=meta, host=self.env, ) def compact_incomplete( self, symbol: str, append: bool, convert_int_to_float: bool, via_iteration: Optional[bool] = True, sparsify: Optional[bool] = False, metadata: Optional[Any] = None, prune_previous_version: Optional[bool] = None, ): """ Compact previously written un-indexed chunks of data, produced by a tick collector or parallel writes/appends. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol name. append : `bool` Whether the un-indexed chunks of data should be appended to the previous version, or treated like a `write` operation. convert_int_to_float : `bool` Convert integers to floating point type. via_iteration: `Optional[bool]`, default=True Tick collectors can always write data in the correct order, so don't need to iterate the keys, which is faster. Everything else needs to set this to True. sparsify : `Optional[bool]`, default=False Convert data to sparse format (for tick data only) metadata : `Optional[Any]`, default=None Add user-defined metadata in the same way as write etc prune_previous_version Removes previous (non-snapshotted) versions from the database. Returns ------- VersionedItem The data attribute will be None. """ prune_previous_version = self.resolve_defaults( "prune_previous_version", self._write_options(), global_default=False, existing_value=prune_previous_version ) udm = normalize_metadata(metadata) if metadata is not None else None return self.version_store.compact_incomplete( symbol, append, convert_int_to_float, via_iteration, sparsify, udm, prune_previous_version ) @staticmethod def _get_index_columns_from_descriptor(descriptor): norm_info = descriptor.normalization stream_descriptor = descriptor.stream_descriptor # For explicit integer indexes, the index is actually present in the first column even though the field_count # is 0. idx_type = norm_info.df.common.WhichOneof("index_type") if idx_type == "index": last_index_column_idx = 1 if norm_info.df.common.index.is_not_range_index else 0 else: # The value of field_count is len(index) - 1 last_index_column_idx = 1 + norm_info.df.common.multi_index.field_count index_columns = [] for field_idx in range(last_index_column_idx): index_columns.append(stream_descriptor.fields[field_idx].name) return index_columns def _adapt_read_res(self, read_result: ReadResult) -> VersionedItem: frame_data = FrameData.from_cpp(read_result.frame_data) meta = denormalize_user_metadata(read_result.udm, self._normalizer) data = self._normalizer.denormalize(frame_data, read_result.norm) if read_result.norm.HasField("custom"): data = self._custom_normalizer.denormalize(data, read_result.norm.custom) return VersionedItem( symbol=read_result.version.symbol, library=self._library.library_path, data=data, version=read_result.version.version, metadata=meta, host=self.env, ) def list_versions( self, symbol: Optional[str] = None, snapshot: Optional[str] = None, latest_only: Optional[bool] = False, iterate_on_failure: Optional[bool] = False, skip_snapshots: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> List[Dict]: """ Return a list of versions filtered by the passed in parameters. Parameters ---------- symbol : `Optional[str]`, default=None, Symbol to return versions for. If None, returns versions for all of the symbols in the library. snapshot : `Optional[str]`, default=None, Return the versions contained in the named snapshot. latest_only : `bool` Only include the latest version for each returned symbol. Has no effect if `snapshot` argument is also specified. iterate_on_failure: `bool` Iterate the type in the storage if the top-level key isn't present. skip_snapshots: `bool` Don't populate version list with snapshot information. Can improve performance significantly if there are many snapshots. Examples -------- >>> lib.list_versions() >>> [{'symbol': '100m', 'version': 0, 'date': Timestamp('2021-09-23 11:48:18.053074428+0000', tz='UTC'), 'deleted': False, 'snapshots': []}, {'symbol': '50m', 'version': 0, 'date': Timestamp('2021-09-23 11:34:33.560910368+0000', tz='UTC'), 'deleted': True, 'snapshots': ["my_snapshot"]}, ... Returns ------- `List[Dict]` List of dictionaries describing the discovered versions in the library. """ if latest_only and snapshot and not NativeVersionStore._warned_about_list_version_latest_only_and_snapshot: log.warning("latest_only has no effect when snapshot is specified") NativeVersionStore._warned_about_list_version_latest_only_and_snapshot = True result = self.version_store.list_versions(symbol, snapshot, latest_only, iterate_on_failure, skip_snapshots) return [ { "symbol": version_result[0], "version": version_result[1], "date": to_datetime(version_result[2], unit="ns", utc=True), "deleted": version_result[4], "snapshots": version_result[3], } for version_result in result ] def list_symbols( self, all_symbols: Optional[bool] = False, snapshot: Optional[str] = None, regex: Optional[str] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, use_symbol_list: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> List[str]: """ Return the symbols in this library. Parameters ---------- all_symbols : `Optional[bool]`, default=False If True returns all symbols under all snapshots, even if the symbol has been deleted in the current version (i.e. it exists under a snapshot... Default: False snapshot : `Optional[str]`, default=None Return the symbols available under the specified snapshot. regex : `Optional[str]`, default=None filter symbols by the passed in regular expression prefix : `Optional[str]`, default=None filter symbols by the given prefix. Only supported by S3 backend for now. use_symbol_list: `Optional[bool]`, default=None If True, ignore the symbol list and get all symbols using iteration. ignored if all_symbols=True Examples -------- >>> lib.list_symbols() ['test_symbol', 'symbol', '50m'] Returns ------- `List[str]` String list of symbols in the library. """ if all_symbols: if use_symbol_list: log.warning("Cannot use symbol list with all_symbols=True as it only stores undeleted symbols") use_symbol_list = False return list(self.version_store.list_streams(snapshot, regex, prefix, use_symbol_list, all_symbols)) def list_snapshots(self, load_metadata: Optional[bool] = True) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ List the snapshots in the library. Parameters ---------- load_metadata : `Optional[bool]`, default=True Load the snapshot metadata. May be slow so opt for false if you don't need it. Returns ------- `Dict[str, Any]` Dictionary mapping snapshot names to their associated metadata, or to Nones if load_metadata is False. """ snap_data = self.version_store.list_snapshots(load_metadata) denormalized_snap_data = {} for snap_name, normalized_metadata in snap_data: metadata = denormalize_user_metadata(normalized_metadata) if normalized_metadata else None denormalized_snap_data[snap_name] = metadata return denormalized_snap_data def snapshot( self, snap_name: str, metadata: Optional[Any] = None, skip_symbols: Optional[List[str]] = None, versions: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, ): """ Create a named snapshot of the data within a library. By default, the latest version of each active symbol at the time of snapshot creation will be contained within the snapshot. The symbols and versions contained within the snapshot will persist regardless of new symbols and versions written to the library post snapshot creation. Parameters ---------- snap_name : `str` Name of the snapshot. metadata : `Optional[Any]`, default=None Optional metadata to persist along with the snapshot. skip_symbols : `Optional[List[str]]`, default=None Optional list of symbols to be excluded from the snapshot. versions: `Optional[Dict[str, int]]`, default=None Optional dictionary of versions of the symbols to include in the snapshot. """ if not skip_symbols: skip_symbols = [] if not versions: versions = {} metadata = normalize_metadata(metadata) if metadata else None self.version_store.snapshot(snap_name, metadata, skip_symbols, versions) def delete_snapshot(self, snap_name: str): """ Delete a named snapshot. This may be slow if the given snapshot is the last reference to the underlying symbol(s) as the associated data will have to be removed as well. Parameters ---------- snap_name : `str` The snapshot name to delete. """ self.version_store.delete_snapshot(snap_name) def add_to_snapshot( self, snap_name: str, symbols: List[str], as_ofs: Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]] = None, **kwargs ): """ Add items to a snapshot. Will replace if the snapshot already contains an entry for a particular symbol. Parameters ---------- snap_name : `str` The snapshot name to modify. symbols : `List[str]` The symbols to add/modify entries for. as_ofs : `Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]]`, default=None List of version queries. See documentation of `read` method for more details. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. """ version_queries = self._get_version_queries(len(symbols), as_ofs, **kwargs) self.version_store.add_to_snapshot(snap_name, symbols, version_queries) def remove_from_snapshot(self, snap_name: str, symbols: List[str], versions: List[int]): """ Remove items from a snapshot Parameters ---------- snap_name : `str` The snapshot name to modify. symbols : List[str] The symbols to remove entries for. versions : List[int] The versions to remove entries for. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. """ self.version_store.remove_from_snapshot(snap_name, symbols, versions) def delete(self, symbol: str, date_range: Optional[DateRangeInput] = None, **kwargs): """ Delete all versions of the item from the library which aren't part of at least one snapshot. Note that this requires data to be removed from the underlying storage which can be slow if the underlying delete primitives offered by the storage are slow. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol name to delete date_range: `Optional[DateRangeInput]`, default=None If provided, deletes rows that fall within the given range from the latest live version. Note this is end-inclusive. If not provided then all versions of the symbol will be removed in their entirety (unless accessible via at least one snapshot). """ if date_range is not None: dynamic_schema = self.resolve_defaults( "dynamic_schema", self._lib_cfg.lib_desc.version.write_options, False, **kwargs ) update_query = _PythonVersionStoreUpdateQuery() update_query.row_filter = _normalize_dt_range(date_range) self.version_store.delete_range(symbol, update_query, dynamic_schema) else: self.version_store.delete(symbol) def delete_version(self, symbol: str, version_num: int, *_): """ Delete the given version of this symbol. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol name. version_num : `int` Version to be deleted. """ self.version_store.delete_version(symbol, version_num) def prune_previous_versions(self, symbol: str): """ Removes all (non-snapshotted) versions from the database for the given symbol, except the latest. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol name to prune. """ self.version_store.prune_previous_versions(symbol) def _prune_previous_versions( self, symbol: str, keep_mins: Optional[int] = 120, keep_version: Optional[int] = None, *_ ): """ Removes all (non-snapshotted) versions older than keep_mins from the database for the given symbol, except the latest. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` symbol name to prune keep_mins : 'Optional[int]', default=120 Delete versions older than keep_mins keep_version: `Optional[int]`, default=None Version number not to be deleted """ versions = [ver for ver in self.list_versions(symbol) if ver["deleted"] is False] # We never prune the latest version if len(versions) < 2: return if not all(versions[i]["version"] > versions[i + 1]["version"] for i in range(len(versions) - 1)): log.error("Unexpected version list received, not sorted. Aborting prune previous") return versions = versions[1:] versions = filter(lambda v: v["version"] != keep_version, versions) keep_date = Timestamp.utcnow() - Timedelta(minutes=keep_mins) delete_versions = filter(lambda v: v["date"] < keep_date, versions) for v_info in delete_versions:"Deleting version: {}".format(str(v_info["version"]))) self.delete_version(symbol, v_info["version"])"Done deleting version: {}".format(str(v_info["version"]))) def has_symbol( self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None, iterate_on_failure: Optional[bool] = False ) -> bool: """ Return True if the 'symbol' exists in this library AND the symbol isn't deleted in the specified as_of. It's possible for a deleted symbol to exist in snapshots. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` symbol name as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. iterate_on_failure: `Optional[bool]`, default=False Iterate the type in the storage if the top-level key isn;t present Returns ------- `bool` True if the symbol exists as_of the specified revision, False otherwise. """ return ( self._find_version(symbol, as_of=as_of, raise_on_missing=False, iterate_on_failure=iterate_on_failure) is not None ) def column_names(self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None) -> List[str]: """ Get the column names of the data for a given symbol. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` Symbol name as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None, See documentation of `read` method for more details. Returns ------- `List[str]` A list of column names associated with the symbol as of the specified revision. """ return self.get_info(symbol, version=as_of)["col_names"]["columns"] def update_time(self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None) -> datetime64: """ Get the time of the most recent update for a symbol in a given version. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` symbol name as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. Returns ------- `datetime64` The time that the specified revision of the symbol was updated. """ version_query = self._get_version_query(as_of) return datetime64(self.version_store.get_update_time(symbol, version_query), "ns") def update_times(self, symbols: List[str], as_ofs: Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]] = None) -> List[datetime64]: """ Get the time of the most recent update for a list of symbols in given versions. Parameters ---------- symbols : `List[str]` symbol names as_ofs: `Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. Returns ------- `List[datetime64]` List of the times that the specified revisions of the symbols were updated. """ version_queries = self._get_version_queries(len(symbols), as_ofs) return [datetime64(t, "ns") for t in self.version_store.get_update_times(symbols, version_queries)] def read_metadata(self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None, **kwargs) -> VersionedItem: """ Return the metadata saved for a symbol. This method is fast as it doesn't actually load the data. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` symbol name as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. Returns ------- `VersionedItem` Structure including the metadata read from the store. The data attribute will not be populated. """ version_query = self._get_version_query(as_of, **kwargs) read_options = self._get_read_options(**kwargs) version_item, udm = self.version_store.read_metadata(symbol, version_query, read_options) meta = denormalize_user_metadata(udm, self._normalizer) if udm else None return VersionedItem( symbol=symbol, library=self._library.library_path, data=None, version=version_item.version, metadata=meta, host=self.env, ) def get_type(self) -> str: return self._lib_cfg.lib_desc.WhichOneof("store_type") def get_normalizer_for_item(self, item): """ Useful util to get the normalizer that will be used for any given item. """ return self._normalizer.get_normalizer_for_type(item) def will_item_be_pickled(self, item): try: _udm, _item, norm_meta = self._try_normalize( symbol="", dataframe=item, metadata=None, pickle_on_failure=False, dynamic_strings=False, # TODO: Enable it when on by default. coerce_columns=None, ) except Exception: # This will also log the exception inside composite normalizer's normalize return True return norm_meta.WhichOneof("input_type") == "msg_pack_frame" @staticmethod def get_arctic_style_type_info_for_norm(desc): # Arctic used to have a type field in get_info which had info about the underlying store being used. # This is to provide some sort of compatibility to that notation # eg: input_type = desc.normalization.WhichOneof("input_type") if input_type == "df": return "pandasdf" elif input_type == "series": return "pandasseries" elif input_type == "np": return "ndarray" elif input_type == "msg_pack_frame": return "pickled" elif input_type == "ts": return "normalized_timeseries" else: return "missing_type_info" @staticmethod def is_pickled_descriptor(desc): return desc.normalization.WhichOneof("input_type") == "msg_pack_frame" def is_symbol_pickled(self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Query if the symbol as of the specified revision is pickled. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` symbol name as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. Returns ------- `bool` True if the symbol is pickled, False otherwise. """ version_query = self._get_version_query(as_of, **kwargs) read_options = self._get_read_options(**kwargs) dit = self.version_store.read_descriptor(symbol, version_query, read_options) return self.is_pickled_descriptor(dit.timeseries_descriptor) def _get_time_range_from_ts(self, desc, min_ts, max_ts): if min_ts == None or max_ts == None: return datetime64("nat"), datetime64("nat") input_type = desc.normalization.WhichOneof("input_type") tz = None if input_type == "df": index_metadata = desc.normalization.df.common tz = get_timezone_from_metadata(index_metadata) if tz: # If tz is provided, it is stored in UTC - hence needs to be localized to UTC before # converting to the given tz return ( _from_tz_timestamp(min_ts, "UTC").astimezone(pytz.timezone(tz)), _from_tz_timestamp(max_ts, "UTC").astimezone(pytz.timezone(tz)), ) else: return _from_tz_timestamp(min_ts, None), _from_tz_timestamp(max_ts, None) def get_timerange_for_symbol( self, symbol: str, version: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[datetime, datetime]: """ Query the earliest and latest timestamp in the index of the specified revision of the symbol. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` symbol name as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. Returns ------- `Tuple[datetime, datetime]` The earliest and latest timestamps in the index. """ given_version = max([v["version"] for v in self.list_versions(symbol)]) if version is None else version version_query = self._get_version_query(given_version) read_options = self._get_read_options(**kwargs) i = self.version_store.read_index(symbol, version_query) frame_data = ReadResult(*i).frame_data index_data = FrameData.from_cpp(frame_data).data if len(index_data[0]) == 0: return datetime64("nat"), datetime64("nat") start_indices, end_indices = index_data[0], index_data[1] min_ts, max_ts = min(start_indices), max(end_indices) # to get timezone info dit = self.version_store.read_descriptor(symbol, version_query, read_options) return self._get_time_range_from_ts(dit.timeseries_descriptor, min_ts, max_ts) def name(self): return def get_num_rows(self, symbol: str, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None) -> int: """ Query the number of rows in the specified revision of the symbol. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` symbol name as_of : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. Returns ------- `int` The number of rows in the specified revision of the symbol. """ version_query = self._get_version_query(as_of) dit = self.version_store.read_descriptor(symbol, version_query) return dit.timeseries_descriptor.total_rows def lib_cfg(self): return self._lib_cfg def open_mode(self): return self._open_mode def _process_info(self, symbol: str, dit, as_of: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: timeseries_descriptor = dit.timeseries_descriptor columns = [ for f in timeseries_descriptor.stream_descriptor.fields] dtypes = [f.type_desc for f in timeseries_descriptor.stream_descriptor.fields] index = [] index_dtype = [] input_type = timeseries_descriptor.normalization.WhichOneof("input_type") index_type = "NA" if input_type == "df": index_type = timeseries_descriptor.normalization.df.common.WhichOneof("index_type") if index_type == "index": index_metadata = timeseries_descriptor.normalization.df.common.index else: index_metadata = timeseries_descriptor.normalization.df.common.multi_index if index_type == "multi_index" or (index_type == "index" and index_metadata.is_not_range_index): index_name_from_store = columns.pop(0) has_fake_name = ( 0 in index_metadata.fake_field_pos if index_type == "multi_index" else index_metadata.fake_name ) if has_fake_name: index = [None] elif index_name_from_store is not None: index = [index_name_from_store] elif index = [] else: index = [None] index_dtype = [dtypes.pop(0)] else: # RangeIndex index = [ if else None] dtype_desc = TypeDescriptor() dtype_desc.value_type = TypeDescriptor.ValueType.INT index_dtype = [dtype_desc] if index_type == "multi_index": for i in range(1, index_metadata.field_count + 1): index_name = columns.pop(0) if i in index_metadata.fake_field_pos: index_name = None else: index_name = index_name[_IDX_PREFIX_LEN:] index.append(index_name) index_dtype.append(dtypes.pop(0)) if timeseries_descriptor.normalization.df.has_synthetic_columns: columns = pd.RangeIndex(0, len(columns)) date_range = self._get_time_range_from_ts(timeseries_descriptor, dit.start_index, dit.end_index) last_update = datetime64(dit.creation_ts, "ns") return { "col_names": {"columns": columns, "index": index, "index_dtype": index_dtype}, "dtype": dtypes, "rows": timeseries_descriptor.total_rows, "last_update": last_update, "input_type": input_type, "index_type": index_type, "normalization_metadata": timeseries_descriptor.normalization, "type": self.get_arctic_style_type_info_for_norm(timeseries_descriptor), "date_range": date_range, "sorted": SortedValue.Name(timeseries_descriptor.stream_descriptor.sorted), } def get_info(self, symbol: str, version: Optional[VersionQueryInput] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Returns descriptive data for `symbol`. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` symbol name version : `Optional[VersionQueryInput]`, default=None See documentation of `read` method for more details. Returns ------- `Dict[str, Any]` Dictionary containing the following fields: - col_names, `Dict` - dtype, `List` - rows, `int` - last_update, `datetime` - input_type, `str` - index_type, `index_type` - normalization_metadata, - type, `str` - date_range, `tuple` """ version_query = self._get_version_query(version) read_options = _PythonVersionStoreReadOptions() dit = self.version_store.read_descriptor(symbol, version_query, read_options) return self._process_info(symbol, dit, version) def batch_get_info( self, symbols: List[str], as_ofs: Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]] = None ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Returns descriptive data for a list of `symbols`. Parameters ---------- symbols : `str` symbols: `List[str]` List of symbols to read the descriptor info for. as_ofs: `Optional[List[VersionQueryInput]]`, default=None List of version queries. See documentation of `read` method for more details. i-th entry corresponds to i-th element of `symbols`. Returns ------- `List[Dict[str, Any]]` List of Dictionaries containing the following fields: - col_names, `Dict` - dtype, `List` - rows, `int` - last_update, `datetime` - input_type, `str` - index_type, `index_type` - normalization_metadata, - type, `str` - date_range, `tuple` """ as_ofs_lists = [] if as_ofs == None: as_ofs_lists = [None] * len(symbols) else: as_ofs_lists = as_ofs version_queries = [] for as_of in as_ofs_lists: version_queries.append(self._get_version_query(as_of)) read_options = _PythonVersionStoreReadOptions() list_descriptors = self.version_store.batch_read_descriptor(symbols, version_queries, read_options) args_list = list(zip(list_descriptors, symbols, version_queries, as_ofs_lists)) list_infos = [] for dit, symbol, version_query, as_of in args_list: list_infos.append(self._process_info(symbol, dit, as_of)) return list_infos def write_metadata( self, symbol: str, metadata: Any, prune_previous_version: Optional[bool] = None ) -> VersionedItem: """ Write 'metadata' under the specified 'symbol' name to this library. The data will remain unchanged. A new version will be created. If the symbol is missing, it causes a write with empty data (pickled, can't append) and the supplied metadata. Returns a VersionedItem object with only a metadata element. This operation is fast as there are zero data segment read/write operations. Parameters ---------- symbol : `str` symbol name metadata : `Any` metadata to persist along with the symbol data prune_previous_version : `Optional[bool]`, default=None Removes previous (non-snapshotted) versions from the database. Returns ------- `VersionedItem` VersionedItem containing the metadata of the written symbol's version in the store. The data attribute will not be populated. """ self.check_symbol_validity(symbol) proto_cfg = self._lib_cfg.lib_desc.version.write_options prune_previous_version = self.resolve_defaults( "prune_previous_version", proto_cfg, global_default=False, existing_value=prune_previous_version ) udm = normalize_metadata(metadata) if metadata is not None else None v = self.version_store.write_metadata(symbol, udm, prune_previous_version) return self._convert_thin_cxx_item_to_python(v) def scan_object_sizes(self): sizes = self.version_store.scan_object_sizes() for key, value in sizes.items(): if value[0] == 0: continue print( "{} \tObjects: {}\tTotal Size: {}\tAvg Size {}".format( key, value[0], format_bytes(value[1]), format_bytes(value[1] / value[0]) ) ) def is_symbol_fragmented(self, symbol: str, segment_size: Optional[int] = None) -> bool: """ Check whether the number of segments that would be reduced by compaction is more than or equal to the value specified by the configuration option "SymbolDataCompact.SegmentCount" (defaults to 100). Parameters ---------- symbol: `str` Symbol name. segment_size: `int` Target for maximum no. of rows per segment, after compaction. If parameter is not provided, library option for segments's maximum row size will be used Notes ---------- Config map setting - SymbolDataCompact.SegmentCount will be replaced by a library setting in the future. This API will allow overriding the setting as well. Returns ------- bool """ return self.version_store.is_symbol_fragmented(symbol, segment_size) def defragment_symbol_data(self, symbol: str, segment_size: Optional[int] = None) -> VersionedItem: """ Compacts fragmented segments by merging row-sliced segments ( This method calls `is_symbol_fragmented` to determine whether to proceed with the defragmentation operation. CAUTION - Please note that a major restriction of this method at present is that any column slicing present on the data will be removed in the new version created as a result of this method. As a result, if the impacted symbol has more than 127 columns (default value), the performance of selecting individual columns of the symbol (by using the `columns` parameter) may be negatively impacted in the defragmented version. If your symbol has less than 127 columns this caveat does not apply. For more information, please see `columns_per_segment` here: Parameters ---------- symbol: `str` Symbol name. segment_size: `int` Target for maximum no. of rows per segment, after compaction. If parameter is not provided, library option - "segment_row_size" will be used Note that no. of rows per segment, after compaction, may exceed the target. It is for achieving smallest no. of segment after compaction. Please refer to below example for further explantion. Returns ------- VersionedItem Structure containing metadata and version number of the defragmented symbol in the store. Raises ------ 1002 ErrorCategory.INTERNAL:E_ASSERTION_FAILURE If `is_symbol_fragmented` returns false. 2001 ErrorCategory.NORMALIZATION:E_UNIMPLEMENTED_INPUT_TYPE If library option - "bucketize_dynamic" is ON. Examples -------- >>> lib.write("symbol", pd.DataFrame({"A": [0]}, index=[pd.Timestamp(0)])) >>> lib.append("symbol", pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2]}, index=[pd.Timestamp(1), pd.Timestamp(2)])) >>> lib.append("symbol", pd.DataFrame({"A": [3]}, index=[pd.Timestamp(3)])) >>> lib.read_index(sym) start_index end_index version_id stream_id creation_ts content_hash index_type key_type start_col end_col start_row end_row 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000001 20 b'sym' 1678974096622685727 6872717287607530038 84 2 1 2 0 1 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000001 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000003 21 b'sym' 1678974096931527858 12345256156783683504 84 2 1 2 1 3 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000003 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000004 22 b'sym' 1678974096970045987 7952936283266921920 84 2 1 2 3 4 >>> lib.version_store.defragment_symbol_data("symbol", 2) >>> lib.read_index(sym) # Returns two segments rather than three as a result of the defragmentation operation start_index end_index version_id stream_id creation_ts content_hash index_type key_type start_col end_col start_row end_row 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000003 23 b'sym' 1678974097067271451 5576804837479525884 84 2 1 2 0 3 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000003 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000004 23 b'sym' 1678974097067427062 7952936283266921920 84 2 1 2 3 4 Notes ---------- Config map setting - SymbolDataCompact.SegmentCount will be replaced by a library setting in the future. This API will allow overriding the setting as well. """ if self._lib_cfg.lib_desc.version.write_options.bucketize_dynamic: raise ArcticNativeNotYetImplemented( f"Support for library with 'bucketize_dynamic' ON is not implemented yet" ) result = self.version_store.defragment_symbol_data(symbol, segment_size) return VersionedItem( symbol=result.symbol, library=self._library.library_path, version=result.version, metadata=None, data=None, host=self.env, ) def library(self): return self._library def library_tool(self) -> LibraryTool: return LibraryTool(self.library())